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Elton at Vina del Mar Festival, Chile






Accustomed to being begged for encores, Sir Elton finished his set after an hour and twenty minutes, keeping perfectly to schedule as we Brits are raised to do, and not quite understanding that he was allowed to ‘break the rules’ and continue playing to a crowd that was cheering his name.

He may not have understood the dynamic of the highly unique Chilean festival, nor the hosts as they named him the “greatest artist in the history of the contest”, yet he stayed true to his roots politely and graciously receiving his golden torches and seagulls.

He may have cemented a couple of ‘polite English’ stereotypes, doing the smile-nod routine as best he could in front of thousands of people who understood a conversation he could make no sense of, but there’s no denying that the piano rock-star made the stage his own last night.

With an impeccable band and a series of greatest-hits, what made Sir Elton’s performance so magnetic was the fact that he was clearly having a ball. “Tiny Dancer”, “Crocodile Rock” and “Your Song” were among many well-loved favorites fed to the Monster last night.


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