As I write these words, I feel a numbness of epic proportions. Three years ago we lost an angel, friend and genius. Now we have lost another. Both of their deaths were unexpected and heartbreaking. They were so close as musicians and friends. Now they are together again.
Bob, why oh why did you not reach out to us. We loved you. We were your second family. We adored you. To be in constant pain and not want to be a nuisance I can understand, but to be in mental pain and not reach out makes us angry. You of all people did not deserve to suffer in silence.
During the glorious years that I was fortunate to call you my friend and colleague, you never said a bad word. You never complained. You never played or sang a bad note. You were loving, loyal, bril- liant, funny and kind. You were SO special to me and to all of us here today. You were my onstage buddy. We would revel in the music together. We would share such ecstatic moments of performance. We would sit together in the studio and I would be amazed how quickly you would contribute your parts. Now I can only thank you by writ- ing this eulogy.
I can never ask you for the sport scores or smell that Patchouli on your body. David and me always talked about your aura of calmness and your smile. We will never forget your braveness in Montreal, your determination to play again. I will never forget sweltering in the heat watching Jonathan play baseball, your love of Michele. You were so proud of your family and they adored and cherished you. We all did. David and I hope you are at peace, but you have left, like Guy, a huge hole full of tears. We are family. We grieve together on this saddest of days.
I promise you that your family will be taken care of. I promise you that a piece of my heart is yours forever. We loved you and always will.
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